In home solutions for your every day lifestyle provides comfort and entertainment in any area of your residence.
Telknology ensures the finest installation of home audio and visual systems that will enhance the user experience and comfort for all your guests. Providing the best equipment in brand enhancement, we will complete a full installation and guide you through the proper management that can be customized to your preferences.
HOME AUTOMATION A current trend that is taking over the way homeowners operate their residence. Home automation utilizes the latest technology to operate temperature, alarms, audio and visual, garage and more by the touch of a button. This installation connects these functions to a wireless operating system for one to manage easily in an all-in-one device.
THEATRE SYSTEMS A cinema experience in the comfort of your own home with optional surround sound and great audio visual capabilities.
WHOLE HOME AUDIO The use of speakers installed throughout the home that can provide music, communication and sounds based on home preference. This system installation can be managed wirelessly as you frequent different areas throughout the residence.